Once upon a time the Duchess of Cambridge had a VW Golf car before her marriage with Prince William. This navy blue colour Golf was given by Kate Middleton to her brother. His brother sold it to his friend or some car dealer.

After the marriage of Kate, the car has come into huge popularity. Now the owner of car wants to make money by selling the car. The owner has tried to sell it on eBay.com and successfully got bids up to a price of £50k that is more than $75,000. It’s a huge price for a 2001 model Volkswagen Golf with over 100,000 kilometers on odometer.

"I decided not to sell after taking advice from independent valuers. I am being inundated with emails from prospective buyers who did not realise it was on sale until the last minute. The car is still available. I've dipped my toe in the water and am surprised by the response I've received (sic)," said the car owner, Sonny Brazil, 21.

Now many people are thinking that he should sell this car before the craze for the Royals go down. Some are saying that greediness may make people to take such points into consideration. Now we have to see how much this car can get for his current owner.